The bulk amount of 3 mln cubic meters of LNG arrived in Poland

Photo of the article A discharge of the LNG gas tanker, that had landed in the President Lech Kaczyński Terminal, Świnoujście on Sunday, was completed. It has been the 15th delivery of this raw material to Poland, carried out by the seaway.
Ships, that usually appear in the gas terminal of Świnoujście bring more than 00 thousand cubic meters of liquefied gas. Following the regasification (i.e. changing the state from liquid into gaseous), we will finally receive over 120 million cubic meters of gas.
- One of the key properties of liquid gas, except for the fact it is ecological and safe, is its volume, being as many as 600 times smaller as compared to this material given in its natural form. That is why it is so profitable to transport and store it - explains Tomasz Pietrasieński, spokesperson for GAZ-SYSTEM. 
Throughout less than a year since the terminal was taken over from the contractor and Polskie LNG (GAZ-SYSTEM Group) started using it, gas pipelines across Poland have been supplied with as much as 1.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
- If we wanted to imagine these amounts, then one delivery of 120 million cubic meters would be sufficient to a single individual for 300 000 years. And the whole Polish population would have it for 3 days – adds Pietrasieński.