GAZ-SYSTEM FORUM – the 2nd part of the information package

Photo of the article The new formula of GAZ-SYSTEM FORUM, adopted for the duration of COVID-19, assumes providing market participants with information describing current issues related to functioning  and development of the gas market and usage of services offered by the operator. In the next part of the information package, GAZ-SYSTEM Customers will find information on how to book capacity at the Polish-German border starting from July 2020.
Presentation included in this package provides requirements for participation in capacity auctions for GCP GAZ-SYSTEM/ONTRAS and Mallnow IP, which in line with the ACER decision, will be conducted via RBP platform  from 6th of July 2020 for the next three years. Market participants interested in capacity allocation on the Polish-German border will find in the package i.a. instructions on the registration process on the RBP platform as well as rules for participation in auctions and usage of platform functionalities. The requirements which should be met to join the RBP platform are also described therein. These includes obtaining of an electronic certificate and signing  the agreement with the RBP platform.
During the registration process as well as the participation in the auctions of products offered by GAZ-SYSTEM, shippers will be supported by RBP Helpdesk  and GAZ-SYSTEM Customers service team.
GAZ-SYSTEM Customers can submit questions concerning each of the presented issues, which will be  addressed via email. We intend to publish the set of received questions together with provided answers in an anonymous form, if the Customers who contact us express their consent in that matter.
All of the materials as well as Q&A list will be available at the Customer Zone tab.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at: